10 things parents can do to help kids with learning disabilities


Is your child having a learning disability? Not to worry! With a little extra attention from their family, kids with learning disabilities can perform much better.

Wondering how you can help your child to keep pace with other kids of their age?

Here are 10 things parents can do to help kids with learning disabilities. An overview by the top boarding school in India - St. George’s College

Educate Yourself

Once your child has been diagnosed with a learning disability, try to learn things about their specific condition. You can be updated with the latest educational techniques, therapies, and programs to help the child cope with the disability and even overpower it.

Take Things Slow

A child with a learning disability may not score the best marks or complete all the school work perfectly. But what takes priority is their emotional and mental development. Just support them as they learn new things at their own pace. Don't let schoolwork, endless tests, and exams get them down. 

Focus on strengths

No child is perfect! Every kid has their own weaknesses and strengths. It’s better to focus on strengths rather than weaknesses as it's crucial to their mental development to show encouragement. Pay compliments on their strong points and it’ll make them feel valued and smart and can help them in building a strong personality.

Praise the effort

Whatever be the outcome, just praise the child for their effort. This will develop more self-confidence in the child and help him to put in more effort.

Give more breaks

Allow multiple breaks for your child if the school work is more than what they can manage easily. Kids with LD shouldn't be overloaded with work at once. Breaks will help your child relax before resuming work with restored energy.

Let them be self-sufficient

You should focus on helping them learn to be self-sufficient if you want them to grow up to be independent. Start training them from an early age to try out things on their own.

Inculcate a positive attitude in your child

If you approach your tasks with a positive attitude and hard work, your kid will also do the same. This makes the learning process much easier, enjoyable, and productive.

Stand up for your child

Kids with learning disabilities need their parents to stand up for them while dealing with a new school,  a new teacher, or joining a sports team and more. Every time they need special help, you'll have to speak up for them. Ensure you communicate in a friendly but clear and firm manner.

Mistakes are Ok

Make kids understand that mistakes are ok, and can be corrected. This can be done through examples. 

Get Professional Support

If given the right support from an early age, kids with learning disabilities can be successful academically and professionally . Speech or language therapies, counselling, physical therapy, and other such interventions can help.

Contact us at St. George’s College, the best Boarding School in Dehradun to know more.


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